To what extent do harms of violence and exploitation disproportionately impact women in contemporary society?

To what extent do harms of violence and exploitation disproportionately impact women in contemporary society?

We have looked at issues of gender inequality across many of the topics covered. This essay is an opportunity to imaginatively traverse the module, considering gendered inequality in the night time economy (including sex work), the normalised and systemic violence in consumer culture, even including climate change, globalisation and murder… All of these essays clearly require thinking across the topic areas. A good response will also show evidence of having taken a lot of effort over crafting the argument of the essay, think about what it is that you want to say. Show an awareness of counter arguments, but then illustrate why those counter arguments are wrong, and you are right. This is the essence of creating and defending an intellectual position. Use academic references and examples from reputable sources to develop and illustrate your position.