Understanding the factors influencing Destination Loyalty within the Caribbean

Understanding the factors influencing Destination Loyalty within the Caribbean

Literature Review should cover separately the relationships between Familiarity, Hedonics, Novelty and Destination Loyalty. That is Familiarity & Destination Loyalty, Hdeonics & Loyalty Novelty & Loyalty. Also I will need supporting information for the following hypotheses H1: Novelty positively influences hedonics. H2: Hedonics positively influences perceived value. H3: Hedonics positively influences satisfaction. H4: Novelty positively influences perceived value. H5: Satisfaction positively influences perceived value. H6: Novelty positively influences satisfaction. H7: Familiarity positively influences satisfaction H8: Familiarity positively influences destination loyalty H9: Perceived value positively influences destination loyalty H10: Satisfaction positively influences destination loyalty H11: Hedonics positively influences destination loyalty Kindly use Chicago formatting for references and do not include footnote numbering for references