Use the Stress Scale to identify your level of stress

Use the Stress Scale to identify your level of stress

Directions for Submitting Assignment: A. Use the Stress Scale to identify your level of stress. B. Describe your risk for disease based on your score C. Utilize pages 86-95 in the Access to Health textbook, and/or conduct an Internet search from a credible source. Then, choose two stress management techniques that you can use to alleviate your stress response. Describe each technique in detail (1⁄2 -1 page, single space each, separated by stressor and title of technique). Include the following for each: 1) Stressor, 2) Name of technique, 3) Strategies for applying the technique (explain in detail how to do it properly and provide examples), and 4) Mental and physical benefits, specifically how it will alleviate your stress response. Submit via Dropbox as one assignment.