“Utilitarianism argues that human happiness is an ethical goal. How can HRM/CPM contribute to this goal?”
The essay question is: “Utilitarianism argues that human happiness is an ethical goal. How can HRM/CPM (Human resources management/ Contemporary people management) contribute to this goal?”
- The ‘main body’ discusses three issues
- Utilitarianism and the “Happiness Principle”,
- what is HRM / CPM, and
3. how do both relate to each other;
4. This is followed by a conclusion that answers this question: ‘what can we learn from all this?’.
- Your essay should contain three sections:
- A theoretical perspective to discuss [Utilitarianism and the Happiness Principle Utilitarianism: Bentham: “the greatest pleasure for the greatest number” Your action should achieve pleasure. see: Klikauer 2010: 47-67 & Klikauer 2012: (pp.159-167)
- What is HRM/CPM; and
- How the two (a & b) can be reconciled, if at all.
- Essential: You Must Read – Sources (excerpts are on vUWS): Bolton, S. C. & Houlihan, M. 2007. Searching for the human in HRM: theory, practice and workplace contexts, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.