Violent Crime Current Events Essay

Violent Crime Current Events Essay

The Microsoft Template for this current events essay is somewhat the same as the template for Current Events Essays 2 and 3. You will find a link provided for the template you must use for this current events essay. Your task for this current events essay is to find a current events article that specifically discusses the Criminal Justice Systems Response to sexual assault offenders. The current news events must appear in legitimate published news sources. The current event news articles can come from print media or electronic media stories you find on the web. Examples of print media are newspapers or weekly new magazines (Time or Newsweek). Examples of electronic media are MSNBC.COM, CNN.COM, BBC.COM and etc. A current means an article published within the last two years. You may not use articles or materials from textbooks or scholarly articles. If you have a question about whether or not a current events article qualifies, you can send me a BBLearn Message with the information and I will give you feedback. Do not wait until the last minute. Essay Format You must use the following format including the underlined heading for your essay 1. Title and Date of Current Events Article (Article cannot be more than 2 years old) 2. Citation and Website (You can either provide this information, i.e. citation and website, or provide a copy of the entire article) 3. Summary of Article (Summarize the article in sufficient detail so that everyone can understand the major point(s) of the article) 4. How did the Current Event Article specifically discuss the Criminal Justice System’s Response to sexual assault offenders? 5. What I Learned about the Criminal Justice System’s Response to sexual assault offenders? from this Current Events Essay Exercise In this Learning Module, I have provided a Microsoft Word template of this format that you MUST USE for this assignment.