‘We are living in a medicalised society’ – Discuss
2000 words Focused reading: Ballard, K. and Elston, M.A. (2005) ‘Medicalization: a multi-dimensional concept’, Social Theory & Health, 3 (3): 228-41. Becker, G. Nachtigall, R.D. (1992) Eager for medicalisation: the social production of infertility as a disease Sociology of Health and Illness Vol 14 No 4 456-471 Bradby, H. (2008) Medical Sociology: An Introduction. Sage. Conrad, P. (1992) ‘Medicalization and social control’, Annual Review of Sociology, 18: 209- 32. Conrad, P. (2007) The Medicalization of Society. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. ‘Cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation’, in S.J. Williams, L. Birke and G.A. Bendelow (eds), Debating Biology: Sociological Reflections on Health, Medicine and Society. London: Routledge. Illich, I. (1976) Medical Nemesis. London: Calder and Boyars. Martin, L. J. (2010) Anticipating infertility: Egg freezing, genetic preservation and risk. Gender and Society 24:526 Williams, S. and Calnan, M. (1996) ‘The “limits” of medicalisation? Modem medicine and the lay populace’, Social Science & Medicine, 42: 1609-20. Zola, I. (1972) ‘Medicine as an institution of social control’, Sociological Review, 20: 487-54. Lupton, D. (2003) Medicine as Culture: Illness, Disease and the Body in Western Societies. 2nd ed. London. Sage Publications. Kelleher, D; Gabe, J. & Williams, G. (1994) ‘Understanding medical dominance in the modern world’, in Gabe, J; Kelleher, D. & Williams, G. (eds)(1994) Challenging Medicine. London. Routledge. Jones, C. & Porter, R. (1998) Reassessing Foucault: Power, Medicine and the Body. London: Routledge. Wade, D.T. & Halligan, P.W. (2004) ‘Do biomedical models of illness make for good healthcare systems?’ BMJ, 329:1398–401 Further reading: Gabe, J; Bury, M. & Elston, M. (2004) Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. London: Sage Publications Nettleton, S. (2006) The Sociology of Health & Illness. 2nd edition. Cambridge: Polity Press. White, K. (2002) An Introduction to the Sociology of Health and Illness. London: Sage. Turner, B.S. (1995) Medical Power and Social Knowledge. 2nd Ed. London: Sage. Freund, P; McGuire, M. & Podhurst, L.S. (2003) Health, Illness and the Social Body. 4rd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall. Gabe, J; Bury, M. & Elston, M. (2004) Key Concepts in Medical Sociology. London: Sage Publications Freund, P; McGuire, M. & Podhurst, L.S. (2003) Health, Illness and the Social Body. 4rd edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall.