What are the issues in organizations that preclude or impede effective management?
Issues of concern -six area of focus 1) Purpose-performance mission-output 2) Legal -adhere to the law 3) Fraud, false reports, filings-“Paper” issues 4) Conflicts of interest, appearance of impropriety, nepotism, self-interest 5) Respect for person-discrimination, harassment, bullying 6) Respect for property-use, misuse, abuse What mechanisms can be implemented by management to address the issues that affect the management of organizations? 1) Leadership-top down example 2) Corporate compliance officer-point person-accountability 3) Code/ standard of conduct, the rules, policies and procedures 4) Audit, a check system -gap analysis, risk assessment w/ corrective action 5) Investigate-a response system w/ corrective action 6) Hot line -complaint procedure 7) Communication-linkages 8) Disciplinary measures – compliance, evaluation, sanctions 9) Education and training 10) Assessment of program effectiveness