What are the potential benefits and pitfalls associated with identifying competencies? Are there other useful ways to select employees?

What are the potential benefits and pitfalls associated with identifying competencies? Are there other useful ways to select employees?

1. Most large organizations spend a lot of money identifying the key competencies for superior work performance. What are the potential benefits and pitfalls associated with identifying competencies? Are there other useful ways to select employees?

2. Executives at a major consumer products company devoted several days to a values identification seminar in which they developed a list of six core values to drive the company forward. All employees attended sessions in which they learned about these values. In spite of this effort and ongoing communication regarding the six values, the executive team concluded two years later that employees were often making decisions and engaging in behaviors that were inconsistent with these values. Provide three possible explanations why employees have not enacted the values espoused by top management at this company.