What can be done in terms of America’s political culture to improve this lack of trust among the people?

What can be done in terms of America’s political culture to improve this lack of trust among the people?

Chapter One discusses the fact that Americans do not have a high regard for their government. Political analysts have specifically identified a decline in the trust citizens put in their government and political leaders. What are the reasons or causes for this situation?

What can be done in terms of America’s political culture to improve this lack of trust among the people? Would a higher degree of trust in America’s governmental and political institutions improve the quality of government at all levels, federal, state and local? Does the current political environment lend itself to improving trust among the American people? Why or why not? Did the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections (and the 2018 Mid-Term or congressional elections which resulted in the Democrats gaining a majority in the House of Representatives) increase the interest of Americans in the political process and their political leaders AND increase trust among the American people? Do the current political conflicts in Washington improve or hinder trust among the American people?Is the way the American people view their government and political leaders improving or not?


Be as specific or as general as you wish. Please use appropriate college English (no “LOL” or other text-related communications jargon). Remember you essay is to be right at about 400 words. You can post your responses to the other essays (at least three per week) at any time through Friday Midnight each week.

If you wish to cite anything in the textbook just write this as an example: (text, p.9). I do not expect you to search out other resources or materials. Indeed, what has caused some problems in the past has been the lack of citation of other materials that can cause unwanted problems. Nothing outside of the textbook is required for any essay.

Note: The chart on page 7 might be helpful in understanding this trend of lack of trust.