What do we gain from understanding individual bodies as reflecting or embodying social/political and economic structural conditions?

What do we gain from understanding individual bodies as reflecting or embodying social/political and economic structural conditions?

Re: Books 1. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors and the Clash of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman 2. Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-First Century by Dorothy Roberts 3. We Live in the Shadow by Elaine Bell Kaplan plus, 2 following lectures will be attached. Integrative Essay Assignment For this assignment, write a 5-6 page paper (typed, double-spaced, 11 or 12 point font) that integrates material from multiple texts and other sources we studied this quarter, including workshops, films, lectures and field trips. This paper should have a clearly identified thesis (your main idea or argument). It should draw on at least one of the theoretical frameworks found in our texts. It should also include supporting examples, including quotations, case studies, field trip observations, and film narratives. Make sure you are taking the time to explain and develop your thesis, and that the material you cite supports your it. Take the time to explain the implications and relevance of the theme and frameworks you’ve selected. Why are these important to understanding public health? How do they explain or provide insight into the issue you’ve chosen? Please respond to the two following questions: 1) What do we gain from understanding individual bodies as reflecting or embodying social/political and economic structural conditions? Is there anything we lose with such a perspective? How does using these lenses allow us to more effectively address individual and community health? It’s also an opportunity and invitation to develop a framework for engaging in the significant challenges that public health engages with, and the ways that communities, institutions and public policy are grappling with them. Your paper should be well organized, carefully written, and edited, including proofreading. Requirements: your discussion should draw on a minimum of 3 books and 2 additional sources we’ve worked with (field trips, workshops, films or lectures). Make sure that you’ve clearly discussed each one in a way that makes your knowledge and understanding of the materials clear. We encourage the use of quotes, but be sure to explain their meaning and implications in your own words as well. Include a “Works Cited” page (a bibliography) as an additional page, not one of your required 5-6 pages. In building your bibliography and your footnotes or citations, be sure you are being consistent in following a style sheet: MLA, APA and Chicago are all acceptable.