What factors would influence your thought process early in the decision-making; why did the doctors proceed with the treatment?
Question 1: What factors would influence your thought process early in the decision-making; why did the doctors proceed with the treatment? Comment on the nurse’s statement “there’s a lot of waste.” Provide your concluding thoughts. (Locate the following article: Intensive Care: One Patient, 34 Days In the Hospital, a Bill For $5.2 Million — He Had Internal Bleeding; Doctors at Duke Spared No Effort to Control It — A Missing $7,000 Syringe. By Ron Winslow. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Aug 2, 2001. pg. A.1 http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB996691735692484805).)– (1 full page length)
Question 2: Locate and post an article (it must be an article) published in the last 12 months from any source that discusses either a legal, or ethical issue in the nursing home, home health care, or assisted living facility industries. The article should not be one assigned in the class or one chosen by another student.
Do NOT post a link to the UMUC library, but attach the article to your conference response. However, you may post a link to a website or other source that can be used to access the article.
Using the article as a base, discuss it focusing on the following questions: (1 Full page length)
- Can this issue be solved or managed by new regulations from a governmental source? Why or why not?
- What do you consider to be the key areas for successfully addressing this issue? Explain.
- What additional metrics do you think should be included in the current survey process to avoid the issue addressed in your article