What further study of legal or bioethical principles that would be helpful for students

What further study of legal or bioethical principles that would be helpful for students

1 page paper with references explaining what further study of legal or bioethical principles that would be helpful for students. And explain why. APA format 3 to 5 pages excluding title page and references on any public healthcare issue to discuss legal, ethical, and Biblical implications. It need not be a public health issue per se, but should be one that has some possible connection or relationship to public health. Find several references on the issue that discuss it — some from a legal perspective, some from an ethical perspective, and some from a scriptural perspective. Find at least one applicable reference from the Bible itself. Decide what your position is on the issue, even if it is still in the process of being thought out or confirmed. State that position and in a few paragraphs, defend it taking into account the most likely opposing arguments. Use APA style. paper should be about three to five pages excluding title page and references. Put it in a WORD(R) document and attach it to this assignment.