What is a high-performance work system? What are its element?
1. What is a high-performance work system? What are its element? Which of these elements involve human resource management?
2. As it has become clear that HRM can help create and maintain high-performance work system, it appears that organizations will need two kinds of human resource professionals. One kind focuses on identifying how HRM can contribute to high-performance. The other kind develops expertise in particular HRM functions, such as how to administer a benefits program that complies with legal requirements. Which aspect of HRM is more interesting to you? Why?
3. Summarize how each of the following HR functions can contribute to high-performance.
a. Job design
b. Recruitment and selection
c. Training and development
d. Performance management
e. Compensation
4. Why should human resource departments measure their effectiveness? What are some ways they can go about measuring effectiveness?