What is a wellness or wholistic perspective, and how might a shift toward integrating this perspective effect our overall health, how we relate to each other and how we related to our environment
We have traveled from Five for Five( Aerobic, Strength/core, Meditation, Sleep, Plant based diet, and wellness) to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayruveda , from the ACTH axis of brain biochemistry, to what’s on our plates to the little blue ball we all float on through space. We have used a variety of lenses to look at ourselves, at other systems of health and healing and at the effect we have on each other. So here is the final question: What is a wellness or wholistic perspective, and how might a shift toward integrating this perspective effect our overall health, how we relate to each other and how we related to our environment. Please write a 5 page paper with the minimum of 5 references + a reference page WRITE A UNDERGRADUATE JUNIOR COLLEGE LEVEL ESSAY