What is the greatest shortcoming of the informal communication system, that is, the grapevine? Why is this so?

What is the greatest shortcoming of the informal communication system, that is, the grapevine? Why is this so?

  1. What is the greatest shortcoming of the informal communication system, that is, the grapevine? Why is this so?

2.      If we are generally aware that face-to-face is the most effective form of interpersonal communication, why do we do use this means today considerably less than it was formerly used?

3.      It has been said that effective listening is difficult because we can hear without listening. What is meant by this statement?

4.      When you happen to be upset about a particular issue, what are the advantages of responding in writing rather than speaking face-to-face with the other party?

5.      What are the primary advantages of face-to-face communication over communication in writing?

6.      Why should there be a separate recorder appointed for a meeting? Why not have the chairperson fulfill this function and thus keep down the number of essential attendees?

7.      Why and how can the active presence of a devil’s advocate help avoid falling prey to the “Abilene Paradox?”

8.      What is the true difference between consultative leadership and participative leadership in decision-making?

9.      What is the primary drawback likely to be encountered in making a decision when the problem is not your problem?

10.  What should be the ultimate determinant of how much time and effort is put into any particular decision situation?