What is the implication for the marketing strategist and the product life cycle concept?

What is the implication for the marketing strategist and the product life cycle concept?

Read the Forbes article, “Is Your Marketing Life Cycle Flatlined?” (SEE LINK BELOW) Based on the content presented in the article, if you were the Director for Long Range Product Development at Boeing, would you have any interest in the product life cycle for American Airlines?

What is the implication for the marketing strategist and the product life cycle concept?

What would be some of the challenges the marketing strategist would face in developing the marketing life cycle for the products?

Total answer to the questions above need to only be about a page in length at most. Please answer all questions. Thank you 🙂

Here’s the link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/prospernow/2013/09/24/is-your-marketing-life-cycle-flatlined/#34c0165e21d2