What is the main problem, pointed out by Jamieson, in thinking that only humans have moral value
For this assignment, please read the text uploaded to the resources folder titled “Humans and Other Animals (D. Jamieson),” and watch the video linked here. Then, answer the following questions over the moral issues that are discussed in these two resources.
Reading Questions over “Humans and Other Animals”:
1. What is the main problem, pointed out by Jamieson, in thinking that only humans have moral value (in other words, what are the issues with being speciesist)?
2. Explain how the utilitarian and the deontologist view animals in terms of: what they have that is valuable, and what this means for the way we treat those animals (hint: the utilitarian will say that suffering is what matters, so sentient things have value…etc.).
3. What do the utilitarian and deontologist say about killing animals that can feel pain (i.e. dogs, sheep, primates and cows)?
4. Do you think that the overview of the moral value of animals provided in the reading provides a good reason to abstain from eating meat? If so, explain which reasons you think are good ones from the reading. If not, explain one of the reasons for being vegetarian or vegan and why you do not think it is a good reason to abstain from killing animals.
Questions over Years of Living Dangerously, “Collapse of the Oceans”:
1. Identify three of the morally relevant impacts of climate change that are discussed in the episode, and be sure to explain why these are morally relevant (example not from episode: increased rainfall will lead to flooding in agricultural communities which will decrease food security and lead to human suffering and even death).
2. What communities will be harmed by the impacts of climate change on the ocean, and do you think there is an issue of injustice related to these harms (consider the communities impacted by climate change and the people responsible for climate change)?
3. What do you think the utilitarian and deontologist would say about one of the morally relevant impacts of climate change that you iden
4. Given what you have learned in the film about the impacts of climate change, do you think you have a moral obligation to decrease your carbon footprint and change your daily practice that make climate change worse (driving, eating meat, using energy, buying from certain companies, single use products, etc.)?