What is the proper meaning of âjihadâ? What are good examples?
To receive full credit for Discussion Board 5 (DB 5), you must:
a) ASK one thoughtful question on any of the material covered since the most recent discussion board (i.e, on Christianity, Christian Philosophers, or Islam). I will be the judge of what is thoughtful. In general, it would be good to ask a question for which you would genuinely like to know the answer. *To pose a new question, begin by clicking ‘create thread’*. You might want to ask a question from the *Christianity or Islam* section of our midterm review sheet (it’s in the ‘course materials’ section of Blackboard). Yes, it is okay to ask one of these review questions. However, you might have a question that’s not on that list.
b) Attempt to thoughtfully ANSWER another person’s question that has been posted on this discussion board. (Use your judgment in selecting which question to answer. For instance if a question has already been answered, or discussed in length, perhaps you should attempt to answer a different question.
Classmate’s post: What is the proper meaning of âjihadâ? What are good examples? Why are Saddam Husseinâs invasion of Kuwait and Bin Ladenâs attacks on the U.S. bad examples of jihad?
Please make sure to include questions in the work and make it your own words! Also, I attached the a file as mentioned in the instruction.
The link for this assignment (Islam): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaX769u5y7c