What makes people publicly shame others on social media?

What makes people publicly shame others on social media?

The list of sources is 1.Social Media Impacts Behavior Norms (PDF attached) by Roberta Liggett & Stephanie Ueberall 2.The Psychology of Stranger Shaming by Aaron Balick http://www.aaronbalick.com/blog/the-psychology-of-stranger-shaming/ 3.The online disinhibition effect by John Suler https://www.academia.edu/3658367/The_online_disinhibition_effect

Topic is also closely related to a story with Justine Sacco. It is called ”How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco’s Life” By JON RONSON (attached) I would like it to be mentioned as an example wherever it fits the best, perhaps in the introduction.