What might be two medium specific social support dimensions of an online chat room that may make it a more advantageous support context than FtF social support interactions?
Please explain your responses (1-2 paragraphs).
Part II. In Ch. 12, Turkle critiques venting as an attempt to receive social support from strangers (rather than friends) because people go online to “feel better, not to make things right.” (p. 232). Yet, Wright & Webb (see Ch. 8) highlight the advantages of CMC weak-tie relationships (over strong-tie relationships) because of their usefulness in helping people cope with “stressful situations” (Wright & Webb, p. 145).
- Please list and explain two specific advantages of receiving computer mediated social support from “weak ties” (Ch. 8) during a stressful situation? Please use a specific example to illuminate each of the specific advantages you articulate. (1-2 paragraphs).
- Textbook: Turkle, Ch. 12
- Textbook: Wright & Webb, Chs. 7 and 8