What motivating factors influence the graduation success rate of high school graduates?

What motivating factors influence the graduation success rate of high school graduates?

Empirical Research Question: What motivating factors influence the graduation success rate of high school graduates?

APA-Style Introduction: A major component of this class is to write an APA-Style Introduction. You will develop an empirical research question, perform and write a relevant literature review using APA convention, develop a hypothesis (testable prediction) designed to address your research question, and provide a reference section. The paper will consist of:

1) Annotated bibliography containing 10-12 references (peer-reviewed journal articles found using library resources) formatted in APA style. You will also include a 4-5 sentence summary of each reference. These articles should provide background for your research question.

2) Your introduction will be made up of three parts: introductory paragraph, background sections incorporating your literature (at least 10 of your sources) into 3-4 main ideas, and a hypothesis paragraph. This research paper should also contain a title page and reference section.

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