What rights should be restored to a convicted felon when he or she has completed the court-imposed sentence?
For your Final Essay Exam, You need to complete 3 of the 4 questions. Include question with response. Essay responses should be a minimum of 1 page and maximum of 2 pages in length, double-spaced and written in 12-point font. It is suggested you write or print out the essay questions for handy reference as you develop your responses. Compose your exam submission in one document. 1. What rights should be restored to a convicted felon when he or she has completed the court-imposed sentence? What rights should not be restored? Should the restoration of rights be automatic, or should the felon have to apply for restoration? How should this process work? Justify your responses. 2. How did Morrissey v. Brewer impact parolees? What impact did the truth in sentencing movement have on parolees? If you could make three changes in the present parole system what would they be? Support your response. 3. Compare and contrast the typical female and male offender. Discuss special and unique problems of these offenders. Do female inmates tend to receive differential treatment? Why or why not? Many juveniles are convicted of committing violent crimes. Discuss some of the concerns regarding trying and sentencing male and female juveniles in the adult system.