What was ITC’s motivation for creating the eChoupal?
Question Description
Organizational Processes and IS Management
The ITC eChoupal Initiative
- What was ITC’s motivation for creating the eChoupal?
- What problems (discuss from a data and process focus) does it address?
- What were the old and new physical flows and information flows in the channel, i.e., how does it work?
- Draw a diagram to represent the old and the new physical flows.
- What made this implementation successful? How was value created in this model?
- Can everyone in this value system (supply chain) “win”?
- Were there any losers?
- How did the principles espoused by ITC help overcome the obstacles (e.g. legislation) facing the eChoupal?
- What should be ITC’s next steps?
- What criteria should ITC use in evaluating its emergent opportunities?
- eChoupal introduced modern technology to the rural poor in India. Similarly iCall introduced modern technology to the urban poor in Taiwan, especially Taipei. What lessons can we learn about introducing new systems from these two case studies?