What will your company need to do differently to actively use Internet recruiting as you compete with other employers for qualified applicants?

What will your company need to do differently to actively use Internet recruiting as you compete with other employers for qualified applicants?

PART I: What will your company need to do differently to actively use Internet recruiting as you compete with other employers for qualified applicants? (5 points)

PART II: HR On-the-Job:  Effective Recruiting Using an Employer Website 

  • Make the site easy to navigate. The “Careers” button should be on the home page.
  • Include information that people want including company description, its products and services, careers, and advantages of working for the company.
  • Use qualifying categories (location, job function, skills, etc.) to help candidates find the jobs for which they are qualified.
  • Provide self assessment quizzes about experience and interests that help direct them to the jobs that fit the best.
  • It should be easy to apply with a resume builder or a place to cut and paste an existing resume.
  • Link the site to a database so recruiters can post job searches for resumes, applications, and screening.
  • Collect metrics on the site such as number of visits, number of hits from ads, sources of hires.

Question for Discussion:

If you have ever used the internet to post your resume or apply on-line, describe your experience with the process. If not, explain why you have not used the internet or what would be your concerns with using the internet for applying for a job. (5 points)