When The foundingfaThers of America began To design WashingTon, DC, how were They in³uenced by The Greeks andRomans?
1. ²he archiTecTure of The Greeks and Romans has in³uenced people for cenTuries. When The foundingfaThers of America began To design WashingTon, DC, how were They in³uenced by The Greeks andRomans?
2. Do you Think ThaT modern archiTecTs can go Too far and use Too much of The ancienT mo±fs in TheirarchiTecTure? ²haT modern archiTecTure should look modern? Or do you Think iT dresses up modernarchiTecTure and makes iT look less sTark and forbidding?
3. One Thing To keep in mind is ThaT hisTory Tends To repeaT iTself, and preserving ancienT buildings can bea reminder of ThaT hisTory (so ThaT we don’T repeaT iT, if iT’s “bad hisTory.” BuT jusT To play devil’sadvocaTe, does iT ma´er how we preserve iT? We could preserve iT eiTher wiTh reconsTruc±on or wiThpreserva±on. Which mighT serve be´er The purpose To “remind us of The pasT and iTs misTakes”?