Why an understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) and spirituality is important for members of health care teams
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 8–10 slides that explains why an understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM) and spirituality is important for members of health care teams; examines the ethical, legal, and financial principles related to CAM and spirituality; and describes how these forms of health care can impact plans of action.
Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence.
As a leader in the field of nursing, it is important for you to identify areas within your organization that may need to improve cultural competence, and to develop educational materials to assist in doing so.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 2: Develop evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for diverse and vulnerable populations.
- (IMPORTANT0 -Identify topics for an organizational education plan on CAM and spirituality.
- (IMPORTANT) -Explain the importance of health care professionals developing an understanding of CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
- Competency 3: Apply basic epidemiological concepts, data analysis methods, tools, and databases to determine the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention initiatives for diverse and vulnerable populations.
- (IMPORTANT) -Provide a list of resources to include in an organizational education plan on CAM and spirituality.
- Competency 4: Examine the ethical, legal, and economic factors related to health disparities in diverse and vulnerable populations.
- (IMPORTANT) -Examine ethical, legal, and economic principles related to CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
- Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the health care professions.
- (IMPORTANT) -Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, APA formatting, and mechanics.
Assessment Instructions
Your organization has seen an increase in the number of individuals using complimentary alternative medicine (CAM), traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality. In addition to your work on the interdisciplinary team, you have been asked by your organization to prepare and deliver an educational session on CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality that can be used by all health care teams. How will you complete this task?
You should focus on these concepts as they pertain to your population (from the Windshield Survey assessment), but also in a broader sense. Use the Capella library and the Internet to look for recent research articles or information on these topics to use as supporting resources in your assessment.
For this assessment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you:
- Identify the topics you will cover in your educational plan.
- Provide a list of resources your audience can use to further their understanding of complimentary alternative medicine (CAM).
- Explain why it is important for nurses and members of other health care teams to develop an understanding of CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
- Examine any ethical, legal, and economic principles related to CAM, traditional medicine, holistic health, and spirituality.
- Describe how these forms of health care can affect a plan of action for individuals and populations.
Your presentation should include a slide with the title of your educational session, a slide with the topics that will be covered (your agenda), and a reference slide at the end. Use the notes section of each slide to provide additional information on each topic, along with supporting references. References and in-text citations must adhere to APA guidelines.
Additional Requirements
- Include a title slide and reference slide. The completed assessment should be 8–10 slides in length, not including the title slide and reference slide.
- Reference at least three current scholarly or professional resources.
- Use current APA format for references.
- Be creative!