Why and for what reasons did japan invade China during World War II
Working bibliography Contributor, Quora. “What Sparked Japan’s Aggression During World War II?” Slate Magazine, 7 July 2014, www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/07/07/what_prompted_japan_s_aggression_before_and_during_world_war_ii.html. O’Connor, Josh. “The Asian Holocaust Killed Twice As Many People As The Nazis Did.” Dose, 18 Sept. 2017, dose.com/articles/the-asian-holocaust-killed-twice-as-many-people-as-the-nazis-did/. The. “Relations between China and Japan.” History of Relations between China and Japan, 18 Nov. 2016, www.chinasage.info/japan.htm. Gabriel, Brian. “Relationship Between Chinese & Japanese That Led Them to War in WWII.” Synonym, http://classroom.synonym.com/relationship-between-chinese-japanese-led-war-wwii-5855.html. Accessed 11 February 2018. Contributor, Quora. “What Sparked Japan’s Aggression During World War II?” Slate Magazine, 7 July 2014, www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/07/07/what_prompted_japan_s_aggression_before_and_during_world_war_ii.html. Chan, Jerry D. “Why Did Japan Invade China?” Why Did Japan Invade China?, 2 Oct. 2014, www.quora.com/Why-did-Japan-invade-China.