Why and for what reasons did japan invade China during World War II

Why and for what reasons did japan invade China during World War II

Working bibliography Contributor, Quora. “What Sparked Japan’s Aggression During World War II?” Slate Magazine, 7 July 2014, www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/07/07/what_prompted_japan_s_aggression_before_and_during_world_war_ii.html. O’Connor, Josh. “The Asian Holocaust Killed Twice As Many People As The Nazis Did.” Dose, 18 Sept. 2017, dose.com/articles/the-asian-holocaust-killed-twice-as-many-people-as-the-nazis-did/. The. “Relations between China and Japan.” History of Relations between China and Japan, 18 Nov. 2016, www.chinasage.info/japan.htm. Gabriel, Brian. “Relationship Between Chinese & Japanese That Led Them to War in WWII.” Synonym, http://classroom.synonym.com/relationship-between-chinese-japanese-led-war-wwii-5855.html. Accessed 11 February 2018. Contributor, Quora. “What Sparked Japan’s Aggression During World War II?” Slate Magazine, 7 July 2014, www.slate.com/blogs/quora/2014/07/07/what_prompted_japan_s_aggression_before_and_during_world_war_ii.html. Chan, Jerry D. “Why Did Japan Invade China?” Why Did Japan Invade China?, 2 Oct. 2014, www.quora.com/Why-did-Japan-invade-China.