Why do we need market for human organs article critique
2500-3000 words
** Attached you can find an example version of a summary and critique essay, please carefully read that and follow the way that it’s been done.
Follow the instructor’s direction for the essay:
You need at least one paragraph discussing & critiquing on the author’s rhetoric (his or her presentation in the article and success, or lack thereof, in achieving the purpose –
The summary should be a brief relaying of the main points of the article (make sure to cite it and have enough attributive tags using present tense verbs, i.e., “the author claims,” “the author argues,” etc.), and your thesis should clearly state your agreement or disagreement or a combination of what you agree and disagree with in terms of the ideas the author presented in his or her article.
(Try to mostly disagree with the author as i did that in then rough draft)
The summary and all quotations and paraphrases must be documented with in-text and on your Works Cited page. Only MLA format is allowed.
Guidelines for Writing Critiques:
• Introduce. Introduce both the passage under analysis and the author. State the author’s main argument and the point(s) you intend to make about it.
Provide background material to help your readers understand the relevance or appeal of the passage. This background material might include one or more of the following: an explanation of why the subject is of current interest, a reference to a possible controversy surrounding the subject of the passage or the passage itself, biographical information about the author, an account of the circumstances under which the passage was written, and a reference to the intended audience of the passage.
• Summarize. Summarize the author’s main points. Make sure to state the author’s purpose for writing.
• Assess the presentation. Evaluate the validity of the author’s presentation, distinct from your points of agreement or disagreement. Comment on the author’s success in achieving his or her purpose by reviewing three or four specific points. You might base your review on one or more of the following criteria:
• Is the information accurate?
• Is the information significant?
• Has the author defined terms clearly?
• Has the author used and interpreted information fairly?
• Has the author argued logically?
• Respond to the presentation. Now it is your turn to respond to the author’s views. With which views do you agree? With which do you disagree? Discuss your reasons for agreement and disagreement; when possible, tie these reasons to assumptions—both the author’s and your own. Where necessary, draw on outside sources to support your ideas.
• Conclude. State your conclusions about the overall validity of the piece—your assessment of the author’s success at achieving his or her aims and your reactions to the author’s views. Remind the reader of the weaknesses and strengths of the passage.
More Detail:
- To begin, you will first need to summarize the entire article (remember to cite it!).
- Next, craft a thesis that states the extent to which you agree or disagree with the author and that states your overall evaluation of the article.
- Organize and develop the body of your evaluation around specific points:
- State the point of evaluation as a clear topic sentence.
- Cite specific examples in the selection that illustrate this observation.
- Discuss these examples in two or three follow-on sentences in one paragraph or at greater length in two or more paragraphs.
- In preparing to write, consider the following questions. Your responses may help you to formulate elements of your critique:
- To what extent do you agree or disagree with the points in the article?
- What underlying assumptions has the author built his or her claims on? And are those assumptions valid?
- What is the purpose of the article: to persuade, to inform, to entertain?
- How well does the author succeed in his or her purpose?
- What is the tone of the article and does it serve the author’s purpose well?
- What assumptions does the author make about the readers, their belief system, their values, their knowledge of the topic?
- Can you detect any bias in the author?
- What issues are ignored?
- Assess the quality of the author’s evidence.
- Does the author establish strong ethos, and if so, how?
- How does the author exhibit and pathos and logos, and is this done well?
In writing this critique, develop both an introduction and a conclusion as well as the main body of the critique
The summary and all quotations and paraphrases must be documented with in-text and on your Works Cited page. Only MLA format is allowed.
“Why We Need a Market for Human Organs” by Sally Satel