Why do you think the Native Nations of New England were so rapidly conquered by the English?

Why do you think the Native Nations of New England were so rapidly conquered by the English?

Two (2) separate and completely diffferent one page essays in MLA format cited properly. Essays must be based and cited from the reading provided. Read the attached file and answer the following questions: Why do you think the Native Nations of New England were so rapidly conquered by the English? Was there a technological, civilization, or moral advantage on the side of the British to enable such victory? Provide evidence-based examples and analysis. Each essay must have; The main post: a three to five-paragraphed narrative introducing your idea or reaction, backed with evidence, and a conclusion. A paragraph is understood to be composed of 5-8 sentences with proper citations, references, and style/grammar. MLA format and proper citing is a must. Students must stay on topic and use the attachment as your main resource. I will assign a zero to students who do not follow format. I will also continue to assign a zero to students that to not fully respond to prompt questions or go off topic.