Why does race/ethnicity affect the way physician’s treat patients?
The exam will consist of four short answer questions (worth 25 points each) for a total of 100 points. Each question must be answered in their entirety. Please make sure you read through each question slowly and carefully as not to miss any key instructions. Points will be deducted for not answering the questions thoroughly and precisely (i.e. if the question states, “what does the author state…..” do not answer that with your own opinion. Your opinion may be fine as a follow up to support your answer). Do not give vague answers as one of the key points of this exam is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the material. Each answer is to be at least one page in length, typed, double spaced, at no more than a 12 point font (please stick with something common for font style such as Times New Roman, Book Antiqua, Helvetica. Do not use colloquial type fonts such as Comic Sans or any type of script). Please number each individual question. Points will be deducted if your answer is not written with clarity and if you do not support your answer with the proper citations. Quotes are fine to use in moderation, but make sure you cite page numbers if doing so, even if using the text. If you choose to support your answer with outside scholarly sources (e.g. journal articles) please use the author(s) name(s) and page number as well. At the end of your answer, please give a reference citation with, at the very minimum, author(s) name, publication name, year of publication, and page number(s). Style, such as APA or MLA, does not matter, however please be consistent on whichever one you decide to use. Outside sources are highly encouraged but not necessary (points will not be deducted if you don’t use them). Your textbook will not be considered as an outside source since the material is pulled from it. Points will be deducted for significant grammatical errors. DO NOT put your name on any page of your exam as I prefer to blind grade exams. GOOD LUCK and THANK YOU FOR AN AWESOME SEMESTER !!!! Questions The author poses the question, “Why does race/ethnicity affect the way physician’s treat patients?” What are the three arguments pertaining to racial/ethnic bias among physicians? Use an example from anywhere in the text to illustrate EACH argument. Research has shown there is an association between socioeconomic status and health. Define and explain what time preference is in association with socioeconomic status and health. Give an example of how time preference can contribute to health disparities. Define and explain what self-efficiency is in association with socioeconomic status and health. Give an example of how self-efficiency can contribute to health disparities. In the chapter on reducing health disparities, the author presents a framework that summarizes the three categories of health disparities. What are the three frameworks of disparities that the author suggests should be the focus of eliminating health disparities? Use an example from anywhere in the text that illustrates each category of the disparities. Explain the six principle ways residential segregation affects an individual’s health by explaining and giving an example of each principle.