Why is it important to define each team member’s role and responsibility?

Why is it important to define each team member’s role and responsibility?

Question 1: Discuss the concept of the team approach (including governance) in having roles in developing shared visions and common goals.

1) Why is it important to define each team member’s role and responsibility?

2) Why is it important to involve all team members in project activities, meetings, and discussions?

3) Why is it important that the team leader seek commitment from all members?

4) Why is it important that once a project is concluded that each team member is acknowledged and rewarded when appropriate?

Question 2:A major concern of health care organizations, as with most organizations, is the issue of safety for employees, patients, vendors, visitors, etc. What are some of the procedures that your organization has in place to address the situation? Is enough being done or are there issues that you feel need to be addressed but are not? What can you do about it?