Why is public opinion so important to the success of public relations?

Why is public opinion so important to the success of public relations?

For this Assignment, you will read an article about an industry that is facing a public relations situation. This article may be accessed through the Library:

Cary, B. (2015). “Agriculture must throttle up its public relations — and quickly.” Western Farm Press, 37(1), 4-4. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.libauth.purdueglobal.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=100227954&site=eds-live ISSN: 1525-1217 Accession Number: 100227954


Choose a product with which you are familiar and write a minimum 400-word APA style research paper on the following questions. Use the situation described in the article as the concept for your discussion about your product and its industry.

  • Why is public opinion so important to the success of public relations?
  • In how many different ways might public opinion affect the success of your product?
  • What message position might you deliver that would positively affect public opinion about your product industry?