Why was Socrates put on trial?
The death of Socrates was a major event in Greek history. With his death at the hands of the state, Socrates became a martyr. But the reasons for his trial and his execution are not straightforward. We have no writings from Socrates himself; our only accounts of his life and teachings come from friends and enemies. Socrates was depicted variously as an intellectual charlatan (a sophist), an atheist, and as both a mentor to the Thirty Tyrants and the personal enemy of the Thirty Tyrants. Read the accounts above. In your initial post discuss the following: why was Socrates put on trial? In your response, incorporate and cite at least 2 passages from this week’s assigned readings (excluding lecture materials). The initial post this week should be 500-600 words. Readings for this forum: Navigating the Socrates Readings Aristophanes, Clouds