Windshield/Walking Survey of own community.

Windshield/Walking Survey of own community.

Assignment: Windshield/Walking Survey. Students will performed a Windshield/Walking Survey of their own community. You will prepare a report with a minimum of 1000 words (not including title and reference pages), Times New Roman 12 font. The demographic data can be obtained online through the library, county or township administration buildings. Follow APA format. Please include the following guidelines in your report. See bellow Environment: The age, nature, and condition of the community’s available housing Infrastructure needs-roads, bridges, streetlights, etc. The presence or absence of functioning businesses and industrial facilities. The location, condition, and use of public spaces. The amount of activity on the streets at various times of the day, week, or year. The noise level in various parts of the community. The amount and movement of traffic at various times of the day The location and condition of public buildings-the city or town hall, courthouse, etc. People: Demographics Healthy lifestyle behaviors Poverty indications Services: Health services Fire/Police Educational Park and Recreational Religious Key community needs: Based on your survey, list three community needs and possible solutions to the problem.