World population growth and carrying -capacity. Are there too many of us?

World population growth and carrying -capacity. Are there too many of us?

Goals: 1. Introduce and summarize the topic you have chosen for your project. 2. Deliver an overview of the topic and highlight the specific aims. A) Specific Aim–Scientific: What science research, techniques and/or mechanisms will you focus on in your project? B) Specific Aim–Impact/Global: What is the impact of learning about your topic? ii. What are the societal implications/relevance of this topic? I.Proposal: A.Summary—The summary should serve as an overview of your project. This is an type of abstract that should give a sentence or two of introduction to explain the topic to the reader (your audience here is a general audience of people who would have a some scientific background to none at). It should have a sentence or two to describe the It major issues and/or hypotheses of your topics. Next, it should explain with a little more detail the goal or what your are exploring and some specifics about how you will address the hypotheses/problem present in the literature and any relevant impacts and implications for the topic. Lastly. it should contain and summary statement that is a lead in to the broader implications of the topic. (It should describe what might be learned, discovered or attained in exploring this topic and/or its relevance and impact. B.Specific Aims: You should have a minimum of 2 specific aims for your project. a)Science: Highlight the specific scientific findings and strategies you will be exploring! Establish to scientific relevance/importance. .What are the specific scientific questions you will explore? What are the unknowns in research or in the basic scientific knowledge. (1)What there methods, mechanisms, experimentation, scientific processes involved? (2)Are there challenges studying these processes? What are the unknowns? b)Communication: What is/are the impacts and/or significance of the project? Are there controversies? Why should the audience want to know more about this? (1)Explain the significance to an audience. What do opposing sides think? How is addressing the problem useful to communities, groups, the environment, culture, etc? II.Written Presentation: (3-5 pages 11-12 font) 1.5 line spacing (Margins: maximum 1 inch (top, bottom, sides) C. Abstract: Follow the overall guidelines for your abstract writing. This is an overview for the the whole project. (Abstracts should be single spaced (200-250 words) and bold at the beginning of the document: D. Body: A written description of that has the components of a research paper (Introduction—a background on the topic to explain it to the reader and to allow them to interpret the science and give them a sense of the importance of the topic. Methods/Results: This will be modified since you are not doing actual experimentation. However, you can explain the science and use figures, charts, scientific models to evaluate the topic and to illustrate your points. Each paper should have at minimum 3 figures.Figures: (if you use and/or modify the figure from another source be sure to reference it appropriately) —-All figures should have a figure legend. (Include a Figure number, title, and a description and explanation for the reader —- You may also generate your own figures/charts using EXCEL or other graphing or chart generating software to summarize and display data and information. Discussion—This is evaluation of where the information of where the topic has lead you. What conclusions can you draw? What challenges remain, etc. Since, this isn’t a formal research paper, you can add editorial commentary and perspective (from a journalistic point of view)