xamine what lobbying is and provide at least two examples of how lobbying can be beneficial in the work human service professionals do with children and their families.
- Explore how lobbying fits in with advocacy. In your answer, be sure to mention any differences between lobbying, advocacy, and coalition building.
- Assess when human service professionals should lobby for issues related to children and families.
- Determine the process that needs to occur to lobby for issues related to children and their families.
Please use the resources below:
Federal public policy agenda: National PTA Retrieved from
Connecticut Association of Nonprofits Advocacy/Lobbying Toolkit. (2003, March 24). Advocacy vs. lobbying, coalition building, and public engagement. Retrieved from http://www.ctnonprofits.org/ctnonprofits/sites/default/files/fckeditor/file/policy/resources/AdvocacyVsLobbying.pdf
Independent Sector. (n.d.). Lobbying guidelines for public charities. Retrieved from https://www.independentsector.org/resource/lobbying-guidelines-for-public-charities/
Advocacy toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/evaluation/files/Advocacy_Toolkit.pdf
Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Section 7: Lobbying decision makers. Retrieved from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/lobby-decisionmakers/main
The State of America’s Children 2017 Report: Children’s Defense Fund. Retrieved from http://www.childrensdefense.org/library/state-of-americas-children/