xamine what lobbying is and provide at least two examples of how lobbying can be beneficial in the work human service professionals do with children and their families.

xamine what lobbying is and provide at least two examples of how lobbying can be beneficial in the work human service professionals do with children and their families.

  • Explore how lobbying fits in with advocacy. In your answer, be sure to mention any differences between lobbying, advocacy, and coalition building.
  • Assess when human service professionals should lobby for issues related to children and families.
  • Determine the process that needs to occur to lobby for issues related to children and their families.

Please use the resources below:

Federal public policy agenda: National PTA Retrieved from


Connecticut Association of Nonprofits Advocacy/Lobbying Toolkit. (2003, March 24). Advocacy vs. lobbying, coalition building, and public engagement. Retrieved from http://www.ctnonprofits.org/ctnonprofits/sites/default/files/fckeditor/file/policy/resources/AdvocacyVsLobbying.pdf

Independent Sector. (n.d.). Lobbying guidelines for public charities. Retrieved from https://www.independentsector.org/resource/lobbying-guidelines-for-public-charities/

Advocacy toolkit. Retrieved from https://www.unicef.org/evaluation/files/Advocacy_Toolkit.pdf

Community Tool Box. (n.d.). Section 7: Lobbying decision makers. Retrieved from http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/advocacy/direct-action/lobby-decisionmakers/main

The State of America’s Children 2017 Report: Children’s Defense Fund. Retrieved from http://www.childrensdefense.org/library/state-of-americas-children/