
June 28, 2019

Research and evaluate current domestic and international trends in your field

To demonstrate your readiness for the evolving dynamics of your business career, research and evaluate current domestic and international trends in your field. Prepare an APA-compliant report (include at least one chart, table, or other visual); and present your findings to the class in a format that considers the international […]
June 28, 2019

Based on your experience of the career management aspects of the MBA programme, reflect on your development and discuss how the experience has changed or re-affirmed the way you will think or act as a result

(Note that completion of the career management workbook and coaching sessions are pre-requisite activities required to complete this reflective report). 2. Student Conference. Based on your experience of the Business Conference aspects of the MBA programme, reflect on your development and discuss how the experience has affected the way you […]
June 28, 2019

Training and Development Plan for IKEA

Outline of the report: A. Brief Introduction (Training and Development Plan) B. The Training Needs Analysis C. Training Objectives. Write 3 objectives. Each objective is specific and measurable D. 2 Training and Development methods to be used. E. Training Delivery and the application of Gagne’s 9 training principles F. The […]
June 28, 2019

Identifying and Problem-solving of Imperial Hotel in London

The assessment is based on a business and management case study which requires a team-based approach to identifying and problem-solving a range of business and management challenges within the case. Within the individual report you will include a summary and key justifications for the resolution of one of the problems […]