
January 30, 2020

What led to your decision to pursue nursing?

Called to Nursing Care Have you heard anyone say they felt “called” into nursing? What led to your decision to pursue nursing? This Scripture passage looks at God’s call to meet the needs of those who are hurting. Read Isaiah 61:1-3: 1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on […]
January 30, 2020

Review the AONL website and discuss what you have identified as the best practices and competencies for nursing leadership

Read Roussel, Harris, Thomas Text Book – Chapter 3, 4 (68-69) and ch 5 & 3 Articles View: 3 Power Point Presentations & 1 Video • Review the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL) website • Attached Files • Roussel 8e_Chapter9.pptx (5.576 MB) • Exploring Your Leadership Style (3).ppt […]
January 30, 2020

EPIC System strengths and weaknesses

Describe the strengths and weakness of the system to include reliability and validity of the data input and output 2.Include recommendations aimed at overcoming any system weaknesses or ways that the system could be improved so I can add it to the group work
January 30, 2020

Describe changes in healthcare over the last 50 years

Write 2 pages on each unit objectives Unit 1- Describe changes in healthcare over the last 50 years unit 2- Discuss transcultural nursing in relation to case management. unit 3- Discuss the basic concepts of utilization management in case management . unit 4 – discuss the concept of complementary and […]
January 30, 2020

Picot Question: Stroke patients

Instructions:. Briefly explain the background for the clinical question. Why are you interested in this question? How does this particular question/situation affect nursing practice? What do you think should change? 2. Outline your PICO question Population of interest: ________________________________________________________ Intervention: _______________________________________________________________ Comparison: _______________________________________________________________ Outcome: __________________________________________________________________ 3. PICO Question: (Provide complete […]