
July 5, 2019

Impact of the transition from volume-based to value-based health care

To prepare for this Assignment: Read Case 5: Middleboro Community Hospital in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the actions taken by this organization. Review data tables regarding their case mix (top DRGs), Patient Days, and CMS Core Measures. These metrics address both qualitative and quantitative measures in this organization. […]
July 5, 2019

Legal Issues in Healthcare

Below is a scenario: Think back to contracts; also consider the concept of Patient Responsibilites. The relation between a physician and patient is an implied contract and either party may terminate the relationship. The physician must comply by certain rules – he or she cannot discriminate based upon race, color […]
July 5, 2019

Meatless Meal Planning

Select one of the following diets and provide a 1 day menu, including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. As a class, please also try to represent all four types of menu options listed below. vegan lacto-vegetarian ovo-vegetarian lacto-ovo-vegetarian This needs your creativity, and you should **not** simply use a menu […]
July 5, 2019

How human nutrition has changed over time and across geographical locations

Digestive disorders are nothing new. As long as humans have consumed food, there have been problems with digestion. Now think about how human nutrition has changed over time and across geographical locations. TASK: Identify a digestive disorder that is closely linked to a particular time or place. For example, a […]
July 5, 2019

Operational Response to Organizational Change

To Prepare for this assignment: Identify one example of an even that has changed the operations or an organization with which you are familiar. If you are not currently working in a health care organization you may choose a case study from which to work. Post a cohesive response to […]
July 5, 2019

Critically evaluate the management of an environmental pollutant of your choice

Write a 2000 word essay critically evaluating the management of an environmental pollutant of your choice (LO2), including the legislative basis and principles of environmental policy (LO3), in the context of environmental management systems (LO1). You must consider the impact on ecological systems, the pollution sources, pathways and receptors including […]