
July 11, 2019

Calculate the human development index (HDI) for Gabon

Prepare an executive summary answering the following questions/problems. The main purpose is to quantify the living conditions of developing countries and to examine what the theories can contribute to understanding the problems of underdevelopment. The format should be 8×11 page with one-inch margin. Use Times Roman 12, 1 1⁄2 spaced […]
July 11, 2019

Performance issues that could be resolved through effective training in Walmart

Revisit the organization Walmart, focus on the performance issues that could be resolved through effective training. Describe your suggestions for using the most effective training that is available. double-spaced one-inch margins a font size of 12 a cover page that includes your paper’s title, your name, the date and the […]
July 11, 2019

Cost of Cookies economic analysis

Option #1: The Price of Cookies This module has focused on different business costs. For this week’s paper, go to your local grocery store and price the ingredients for baking chocolate chip cookies. For simplicity, assume the ingredients for three dozen cookies are: One 16 oz. box of sugar One […]
July 11, 2019

How global businesses can overcome the economic integration issues

Choose a global economic issue currently impacting global businesses, write a 1000 word policy briefing paper on how global businesses can overcome the issue you have identified. Be sure that you choose a global economic issue– for example trade, economic integration, labour migration, capital mobility etc) and include an analysis […]
July 11, 2019

International trade is becoming increasingly protectionist discussion

Your essay should be no more than 1000 words (+/-10 %) in length. The aims of this assignment are to test your ability to accurately discuss externalities and identify and evaluate policies used to address them in your country and the UK The deadline for this assignment is 09.30am Monday […]