
May 3, 2019

Describe the specific types of structured and unstructured data that are essential to the case study organization.

In addition to the Business Intelligence Development Plan template including section headings (project outline), you should submit a Data Classification and Visualization Assessment section of 4–5 pages that includes the following for the case study organization: Describe the specific types of structured and unstructured data that are essential to the […]
May 3, 2019

Research on family businesses in your community

Locate three family businesses in your community and interview the owner/family members Write a brief report including, but not limited to, the age of the business, why it was started, how many hours per week the owner works in it, which family members are involved, what functions they perform, advantages/disadvantages […]
May 3, 2019

Financial Situations and Plans

Your Financial Situation and Plans Reflect on all that you have learned in this course. Summarize your financial situation and plans. Be sure to include plans for budgeting, saving, debt and credit, taxes and insurance, investing, retirement and estate planning. Additionally, describe your future career goals and what steps you […]
May 3, 2019

What is your “number”? What might cause your number to be higher?

What is your “number” (see reading for techniques and tools)? What might cause your number to be higher? What average annual return do you need on your investments between now and retirement to reach your number? How might you achieve this rate of return? Criteria: The requirements below must be […]
May 3, 2019

Research the IRAC method

Find a video online, such as a video on an academic website, that provides helpful information regarding how to write a brief using the IRAC method. Post the link along with the three most important takeaways you learned from the video. No minimum or maximum word count. Submit your assignment […]