
October 25, 2019

Describe and explain the marketing mix decisions that Marcia Kilgore made to influence the trade channels as well as the final consumers

Question 1 (30) Describe and explain the marketing mix decisions that Marcia Kilgore made to influence the trade channels as well as the final consumers. Use the suggestion of Robert Lauterborn that the seller’s 4P’s should correspond to the customers’ 4C’s in your explanation. Question 2 (25) Explain how FlipFlop […]
October 25, 2019

Based on your knowledge of Marketing concepts and strategies, explain why and how the strategy used by Nike is “pure marketing genius”.

Article: QUESTION: Based on your knowledge of Marketing concepts and strategies, explain why and how the strategy used by Nike is “pure marketing genius”. While you may take a critical approach, your answers must be based on marketing “expertise,” – gained through textbook materials, lectures, AND insights based on […]
October 25, 2019

Identify and discuss the type of decision process that consumers go through when purchasing this type of product. How have smart cars created value?

1. Identify and discuss the type of decision process that consumers go through when purchasing this type of product. How have smart cars created value? 2. Identify the determinant attributes that might set the smart car apart from competing makes and models. What attributes might be of concern to consumers? […]
October 25, 2019

Explain product positioning. Discuss whether it is necessary to position a product or can a product succeed in the market without a formal positioning strategy?

Q1. ‘Why bother target marketing? By marketing my product to the entire market, I have a greater chance of success.’ Discuss this statement by comparing the benefits of using targeting as opposed to not using it. Your discussion should demonstrate the link between targeting and the overall role and philosophy […]
October 25, 2019

What are the potential disadvantages of dynamic pricing?

Prepare a 500-600 word response in APA 6th ed. format discussing the advantage of dynamic pricing over fixed pricing. What are the potential disadvantages of dynamic pricing? If you were in charge of pricing strategy-what pricing strategy would you use and why? Your paper must include required readings and at […]