
July 11, 2019

The Laissez-Faire Argument for Full Employment

As you now know, conservative economists generally argue that the unregulated capitalist economy will automatically tend to create jobs for all those who are willing to work at the appropriate market wage. First, draw a graph of the Aggregate Labor Market and explain how these laissez-faire economists use this model […]
July 11, 2019

Explain in some detail why Marx’s analysis of profit maximization, capitalist competition and the “laws of motion” of fully developed capitalist societies seriously disagrees with conservative arguments

Marx vs. Modern Conservative Economists Karl Marx’s analysis of the essential “laws of motion” of fully developed capitalism suggested that capitalism was an exploitative economic system filled with class conflict and characterized by limited mobility for the majority of working people. In sharp contrast, many modern mainstream economists argue that […]
July 11, 2019

How do import tariffs affect trade?

Aim of this essay is to critically review and apply relevant trade theories using real world cases and/or data. A minimum of 10 references should be used and listed. Data sources should also be referenced using Harvard style. Ensure you use relevant quantitative evidence and correctly represent statistical data in […]
July 11, 2019

According to Bill McKibben’s recent article on “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math”, how much of the world’s current fossil fuel reserves can we afford to burn if we are going to have a fighting chance to reduce some of the worst effects of climate change?

Next, list and explain in some detail four of the most profound changes in our society which Naomi Klein argues will be required to build a new “civilizational paradigm” that can seriously confront our climate crisis. (See Klein’s article on “Capitalism vs. the Climate”.) Why does Bill McKibben believe that […]