
March 10, 2020

How we know what we know about the Immigration Family Separation Issue

1000 words that explains from a critical and global perspective how the trajectory of this event was shaped by various information systems. Goal: evaluate the authenticity and credibility of information reported about this event, demonstrating understanding of the diverse and complex nature of information,bringing order to and maximizing the value […]
March 10, 2020

What Makes Someone a Hero

Answer the question “What Makes Someone a Hero?” using 3 articles online, and 1 speech of your choice, in an outline. Create an outline from your research gathered from the articles. The outline will help guide and direct your arguments. Your research outline should include the following information: Title your […]
March 10, 2020

Rapist shaming: should alleged rapists be named online

Contention = victims of rape should have the choice to name their alleged rapist 3 arguments The legal system does not always offer justice to the victims of rape Publicising alleged rapists would warn potential victims (ensure that this doesn’t become a serial incident !) Naming their alleged rapists can […]
March 10, 2020

Multi mode exposition assignment:”What I wish I knew earlier in my life”

Discussed in the text Patterns are the following types of organization: narration, description, exemplification, process analysis, cause and effect, comparison/contrast, classification and division, definition, and argumentation. Each chapter has explanation and examples of this “mode” or type of writing. Your assignment is to use at least two modes of organization […]
March 10, 2020

How artificial intelligence is beneficial to everyday growth

THIS IS AN ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY!! IT HAS TO BE 4 PAGES LONG PLUS A WORK CITED SHEET (SO TOTAL 5) -HAS TO HAVE 3 SOURCES AND THE SOURCES HAVE TO COME FROM – must be doubled spaced, 12 font, times new roman, MLA format(work cited has to be in […]