
November 8, 2019

Women’s roles and the treatment of women in Athens during the period from 500-400 BC as compared to women’s roles and treatment of women in Sparta during the period from 500-400 BC

General Instructions: Each student will choose a topic of interest within the time frame of our course upon which to write a case study. Using information from the lectures and the textbook is acceptable, but at least two additional references must be used as supportive evidence. One of these additional […]
November 8, 2019

9/11 Attacks and How it changed United states policies.

MLA Format, 1800 Min, 7-10 sentences on body paragraph, Informative and serious tone, 4-6 body paragraphs and 3 quotes every body paragraph. Main source is [] and 2 Secondary [ and]
November 8, 2019

When did the Haitian Revolution begin, and end?

Who were the major actors from the Haitian army? Who were major actors from the French military? What was the French’s response to Haiti winning its independence? How did this affect the United States of America’s relationships with both newly independent Haiti, and France? In what ways does this mirror […]
November 8, 2019

Could we have avoided the War of 1812?

The War of 1812 is also famously known as Mr. Madison’s War. The United States had just finished the Revolutionary War some 30 priors. Thirty years later, the US is thrown back into a war against Great Britain. While we had defeated them the first time, they had resurrected their […]
November 8, 2019

“Rip Van Winkle” Irving statement about the Revolution analysis

Part 1: We see in “Rip Van Winkle” themes of generational change, continuity, preservation, and tradition. Written nearly half a century after the American Revolution, in “Rip Van Winkle” Irving is making a statement about the Revolution. What is it Washington Irving is trying to convey to the reader through […]
November 8, 2019

Ancient Egyptian civilization & Cultural history

The essay is on Egyptian life, the mummification and Pharaohs. The essay length 10 pages double-spaced before the Works Cited pages begin, in MLA style. A total of 7 sources are required at minimum. At least 4 must be from Lone Star College databases, which can include (e-books). At least […]