
October 30, 2019

Stolen identities and sexual crimes. Who is to blame?

Task: Write an essay using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field. Length: […]
October 30, 2019

Current Issues and Trends in Information Technology

7 FULL PGS • Create the paper using MS Word and utilize Source Manager to cite your sources • Papers should be 7 not including the title page or Citation page. • Use Font : New Times Roman and Size: 12 • The content should introduce your topic, provide a […]
October 30, 2019

Select two business processes and perform an analysis on each.

Using the real or fictitious company you have created, write a 2-3 page paper. In your paper address the following: Select two business processes and perform an analysis on each. Option 1) create an ‘as-is’ and a ‘to-be’ analysis of each process Option 2) perform a business process reengineering analysis […]
October 30, 2019

Web design and interactivity discussion

Subject: IT System Overview Description: Topic 4: Basic principles of interaction design and human computer interaction, including accessibility; web design and interactivity emerging technologies from an interaction perspective. The student will set up a small web design and interactivity on WIX; Multimedia, such as graphics, sound, video, text, and basic […]
October 30, 2019

Compare Windows Apple and Linux platforms

The Windows platform dominates the market share; however, Apple and Linux have their share of users. Compare these three platforms; what are pros and cons for each of them? Support your post with materials covered by this module, additional research, and your own experience with one or more of these […]
October 30, 2019

Creating A Purchase Request Form

The purpose of the Technology Software/Hardware Purchase Request Form is to encourage project planning, and to ensure the appropriate use of the college’s resources. This form collects information to assist in the determination of the alignment of the proposed technology with the College’s curriculum, information, and technology needs. Additionally, it […]