
May 9, 2019

How would you define “irrationality” in the context of negotiations?

Drawing from the readings, how would you define “irrationality” in the context of negotiations? Do you see irrationality playing a significant role in how people negotiate? Take one of the “Project Implicit” tests at (gender, age, race, etc.). What does that suggest to you, particularly as a negotiator yourself?
May 9, 2019

Immigration And The Evolution Of The Democratic Party

Present a news coverage story that is current. Talk about the scandals, problems, issues and how you as the media would resolve this issue. Create a PowerPoint presentation regarding your topic and news story, and make sure your presentation is at least 7 minutes long.
May 9, 2019

Laws Principles & Importance Of Information Governance Research Paper

At this point of your educational career you have completed many research projects. In this class you will have to research the topic of “Information Governance”. In this research project you will have to write a 15 to 20 page paper on any subject about Information Governance. You can pick […]
May 9, 2019

What might be two medium specific social support dimensions of an online chat room that may make it a more advantageous support context than FtF social support interactions?

Please explain your responses (1-2 paragraphs). Part II. In Ch. 12, Turkle critiques venting as an attempt to receive social support from strangers (rather than friends) because people go online to “feel better, not to make things right.” (p. 232). Yet, Wright & Webb (see Ch. 8) highlight the advantages […]
May 9, 2019

Legal implications of P-O fit

For this discussion, we will be focusing on the legal implications of P-O fit . There are 25 points possible for this discussion. You will receive up to 15 points for your initial response to the discussion question. You may receive the additional 10 points either by replying to another student’s discussion points, or by posing […]