
September 6, 2019

Does the government now have an ethical obligation to provide affordable access to health care since it failed to protect employee expectations?

Many Americans believed their future health care costs would be covered by their employers, yet a generation of current and near-term prospective retirees has had their health insurance curtailed or eliminated outright. Does the government now have an ethical obligation to provide affordable access to health care since it failed […]
September 6, 2019

Does Congress have an ethical obligation to provide more effective tax incentives for employers to prefund retiree health benefits, complete with a government agency guarantee in case of employer bankruptcy?

Does Congress have an ethical obligation to provide more effective tax incentives for employers to prefund retiree health benefits, complete with a government agency guarantee in case of employer bankruptcy? What prospective or remedial relief should government be required to provide to innocent victims of cancelled employer assurances of health […]
September 6, 2019

Organizing the Health Care Delivery System for Performance

Read the document “Organizing the Health Care Delivery System for Performance” and the 6 attributes they feel are necessary for high performance. Choose one of the models of organizing for high performance and describe strategies that have proven effective in creating an integrated high performance health system within that model.
September 6, 2019

How can you explain the discrepancy in the D typing on this donor?

A donor unit obtained from the central blood bank was labeled as group O, D-positive. When the hospital transfusion service confirmed the donor’s type, the result was group O, D-negative. Investigation of the label issued at the at the blood bank was preforms with verification of correct labeling? How can […]