
October 16, 2019

Problem solving in Uber

This assignment requires you to apply one topic from the course in attempt to solve a specific problem that exists in UBER organization. That problem should center on either a job performance issue or an organizational commitment issue. The paper should be 1000 words in length (all inclusive. You should […]
October 16, 2019

The role that Project manager play in delivering innovation.

TOPIC:This project examines the role that PM play in delivering innovation. This would relate to leadership role to motivate the project team and supply chain to deliver innovation. Its a research outline which is to be submitted. A TEMPLATE is attached which is to be followed Also the dissertation proposal […]
October 16, 2019

Develop a communication plan for an airport security project.

The project entails installing the hardware and software system that (1) scans a passenger’s eyes, (2) fingerprints the passenger, and (3) transmits the information to a central location for evaluation. * Note: Please provide a brief essay to explain this exercise. create a table, and explain it.
October 16, 2019

Tangle Corp ITSM Case Study – The Road to ITIL & ISO 20000 case study

Read: “Tangle Corp ITSM Case Study – The Road to ITIL & ISO 20000” Tangle Corp is a fictional corporation based in Australia which sells widgets to national customers. The background information regarding Tangle can be found in the document above (posted on Interact2) and it represents all of the […]
October 16, 2019

Yu-Chih Liu and Asri Rizki (2016) review

Review your required reading by Yu-Chih Liu and Asri Rizki (2016). Examine Table 2 and Figure 1, and consider the discussion offered by the authors. Post your researched thoughts on how the risk factors mentioned in the reading impact ongoing projects with which you are familiar. Include your thoughts on […]