
July 4, 2019

Give examples of how cultural differences may affect at least two human resource (HR) functions

For this question, assess the role of culture in human resource management practices within a global organization. Give examples of how cultural differences may affect at least two human resource (HR) functions. Examples of these functions may include recruitment and hiring, employee and/or management development, performance reviews, promotions, compensation, and […]
July 4, 2019

What factors should Delta address in implementing this major organizational change?

Ms. Sippy Delta has just been promoted to manager of health information services at Happy Trails Health Center. A team of physicians, administrators, and department heads has decided to transform the culture of the organization into a quality-driven, patient-centered environment. Health information is stored digitally on optical disk by scanning […]
July 4, 2019

List the four broad categories of development methods, and explain what benefits may or may not come from combining all of these methods into a formal development program

Discussion questions for Managing Performance and developing teams  &   Human Resource Management. 1. List the four broad categories of development methods, and explain what benefits may or may not come from combining all of these methods into a formal development program. 2. What are the benefits and consequences of a […]
July 4, 2019

Write a one-page memo to your supervisor describing the advantages of having a well-designed, properly implemented performance management system

DQ1 – You want to transition your organization’s performance appraisal system into a performance management system. Write a one-page memo to your supervisor describing the advantages of having a well-designed, properly implemented performance management system. DQ2 – There are several characteristics of an ideal performance management system. Please discuss three […]
July 4, 2019

Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor?

1. Why is it important for HR management to transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor? 2.  For many individuals, the nature of work and jobs is changing. Describe these changes, some reasons for them, and how they are affecting both human resource management and individuals.